How to Use Your Travels as Inspiration for Creating Music

March 1, 2018
How to Use Your Travels as Inspiration for Creating Music

Keep reading to find out how to use your travels as inspiration for creating music! Do you play an instrument as a hobby at home? Whether your instrument of choice is the piano, the guitar, or your own voice, you likely practice your talent using music written by someone else. It isn’t as common for amateur musicians (who are not in a band) to write, record, and rehearse their own music. However, if you have been playing around with the idea of creating original music, there is an excellent time to get inspired: when you’re traveling! Traveling almost always presents brand new experiences, feelings, and thoughts, making it a wonderful time to create your own music.

If you are about to embark on your next travel adventure, here are three tips to help you use your travels for inspiration.

How to Use Your Travels as Inspiration for Creating Music

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Keep a Journal of the Things You Experience

Travel can quickly induce sensory overload. Even if you are traveling to a remote part of the world, the beauty of the sights, smells, and sounds can be too much to process at once. In order to capture the most inspirational parts of your journey, bring a journal that you can use during the day, or before you go to sleep. Record every experience that inspires you in some way. The experiences you write about can even be negative ones. Things that are compelling, unique, and different from your daily life can be the perfect starting point for a song. Check out more music Events in London near you here!

Bring An Instrument With You

Why wait until you return home to start experimenting with new sounds? If possible, bring your instrument of choice with you for the trip. Travel can often provide you with extra free time, which serves as a great moment to begin working on your new music. Use the information you have started to record in your travel journal to assist you in developing new sounds. Begin brainstorming what your new music should sound like based on what you’ve written down. Do your experiences lend themselves to a slow or a fast tempo? Will the lyrics be upbeat, romantic, sad, or something else? Place no pressure on this free time, and enjoy the process of expressing your creativity to the fullest. Click here to find more Events in Manchester!

Start Writing Lyrics and Music

When you arrive back from your trip, use the content you created during your trip to start writing the lyrics and music for your song(s). Consider investing in audio interface equipment  for home recording to capture the beauty of your first-ever music recordings. No matter how long the process takes, make it a priority to reserve time to unleash the travel memories that will help you create beautiful music.

Check out more events near me this weekend.

About the Author:

Cassie Steele is a professional freelance writer with a passion for music and live performance. Prior to her freelance career she worked in music PR and still loves maintaining a connection with the industry. When not working she loves attending live gigs (obviously), hiking and spending time with her family.

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