Things To Do in Toronto: Fun Activities

February 18, 2016

Written by Shirley Li from


Yes, Toronto is diverse in terms of culture, but did you also know that there are many fun activities that can make your trip worthwhile, if you ever decide to go to Toronto? Read on! I’m listing several places that you can have some fun at!

1. Archery at Archery District

Have you ever used a bow and arrow before? No? Then you better head on over to Archery District! They’re located on 770 Birchmount Rd #22. In order to ensure safety, foam tips are put on the ends of the arrows for maximum protection. You’ll be feeling marshmallows on you when you get hit!

2. Skiing/Snowboarding at Earl Bales Park

In the summertime, Earl Bales Park makes for a great destination for sightseeing, walking, picnics, etc. Now in the wintertime, it’s a whole different story! Skiing and snowboarding goes on at the park when it’s fully covered with snow. Get your rentals and equipment at the ski area and have some fun! The prices are very reasonable and are even better than other places. Best of all, it’s within the GTA so you won’t have to travel so far to go skiing or snowboarding.

3. Tobogganing at Various Parks

This activity is limited to the wintertime only, but that’s okay! You can still have lots of fun. Many parks in Toronto, including Christie Pits, Trinity Bellwoods, and High Park all allow tobogganing! Just bring your own sled and have some family or friend fun! The only thing I’d say is watch out for the signs because some parks don’t allow tobogganing, but the 3 that I’ve listed for sure do. Enjoy!

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