Things To Do In London UK: For Harry Potter Fans

February 7, 2016
Harry Potter

Harry Potter is one of the world’s most famous books. As most know, much of Harry Potter was written and filmed in London, England. Here are some of the top places that are Harry Potter related.

Surbiton Station

This station is the station where Harry hangs out in and reads The Daily Prophet in the Half Blood Prince film. This is also where Dumbledore meets Harry in the movie. This is a great place to get a bite to eat and pretend you are Harry Potter. Very cool place to check out.

Warner Brothers Studios London

This is a must see for every Potter fan. You can see pretty much every prop and every room. This massive soundstage will have you in amazement. You can see Harry’s house and as well see the Great Hall. You can sometimes even dine in the Great Hall. Check this magical experience out.

Leadenhall Market

If you ever wanted to go to Diagon Alley, this is your chance. This is where they filmed some scenes for the movie. Walk and shop like Harry did. Only thing though is that they don’t sell wizard stuff. Sorry.

King’s Cross Station

This is the only way to get from London to Hogwarts. Come see this real life train station and be impressed by its amazing architecture. You can even look for Platform 9 3/4. Take a cool picture of you pushing a cart through the wall. Truly magical.

To find more Harry Potter themed events in London, check 

By Michael Jacobsen from 

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