Top 6 Ways to do Paris on the Cheap

October 21, 2016

Paris is one of the most expensive cities in Europe. Here are cheap (and fun!) ways to do Paris!

Get Light Meals

Eating out is probably the most expensive thing to do in big tourist friendly cities like Paris. Vising all of the French restaurants, although tempting and delicious, will quickly eat into your spending money early on in the trip. But there are alternatives. Grab a sandwich and a Coke at a local deli. Europe has the best sandwiches on earth, so you will still be able to get some amazing tasting food without having to spend a lot of money. Do you have a sweet tooth? Maybe skip lunch and just have some French macaroons (dessert is the best part of any meal anyway, right?).

Choose Accommodations Wisely

As with most cities, there are areas in Paris that are more expensive than others (typically, areas of major attractions like the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre are more expensive). Choose hotels like Hôtel Beaumarchais for a place to stay in a location that is not that bad and is way more reasonable than other hotels.

Find tons of free events happening in Paris here!

Check out Free Museums  

So many museums in Paris allow you to check out their permanent collections for free. For example, the Musée de la vie Romantique, which showcases contemporary works (such as portraits) offers free admission to view their permanent collections all the time. Also, check out the Maison de Balzac which offers free admission to many of their collections.

Stroll Through Rue Mouffetard

This is one of the oldest and most exciting areas to be in Paris. The area has an amazing market which offers fresh produce and amazing shops (grab some groceries, they’re cheaper than eating out!). If you do want to eat out, check out places like La Grange and Casa Pepe for some amazing eats after a long day of walking!

Find tons of free events happening in Paris here!

Take a Free Walking Tour

Happening every day, you can take a free waking tour provided by the company Sandeman Tours. These tours happen at plenty of times throughout the day and explore awesome areas of the city including the Montmartre District. For free, you can explore Paris!

Have a Picnic in Place des Vosges

This is the oldest square in Paris. It is filled with green spaces and tons of French architecture to enjoy, absolutely free! Explore the fountains found here or the Pavillon de la Reine or perhaps by some groceries and sit down for the afternoon and have a picnic. What better way to experience one of the most beautiful areas in the city?

Find tons of free events happening in cities around the world at!

Written by Kent Austin










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