These Extreme Dessert Cafes Shock Even the Most Adventurous Foodies

June 26, 2016

They are out there, people who eat dessert first (because it’s the best meal anyway, right?). For these people, ordinary dessert just won’t cut it and they find themselves searching the Internet looking for the next dessert craze or searching where to find the absolute best dessert places. Look no further because we bring to you a list of dessert cafes that serve out of the ordinary desserts that will satisfy even the biggest sweet tooth.

Serendipity 3 (Las Vegas)

Anyone who has ever eaten in Las Vegas has probably heard of this place. Rightfully called the best ice cream on the planet, this place attracts those seeking the most extreme ice cream desserts (and who certainly do not count calories). If you manage to finish one of their massive Snickers ice cream sundaes you will most definitely not need dinner, or perhaps you will spring for a milkshake (they come in so many flavors here that I didn’t even want to count them, although one of the notable flavors is smores). If you are feeling lavish, this place famously offers the Golden Opulence Sundae for a price of $1000.00 (no, I did not mistakenly put too many zeros). The sundae is made from Amedei Porcelana, the most expensive chocolate in the world and is topped with a 23k edible gold leaf, as well as some of the most rare dried fruits in the world.

Find food events happening in Las Vegas here!

Sweet Jesus (Toronto, ON)

This place is perfect for those seeking pimped out soft serve without paying an arm and a leg for it. Now an Internet craze in Toronto, this ice cream place offers outrageous flavors such as smores latte and Lemon Coconut Cream Pie. When you leave this place, cone in hand, you will no doubt be extremely confused as to how the eccentric amount of toppings manage to stay on the soft serve itself (we still don’t know how they do it).

Find tons of food events happening in Toronto here!

Milkshakes at Black Tap, New York

Milkshake lovers, rejoice! You will never find bigger milkshakes with more amazing toppings. Milkshakes at this space have included the New Yorker milkshake, topped with a piece of New York style strawberry cheesecake (yes, you head that right). Other toppings include chocolate bars, ice cream and even a massive lollipop (how would you eat that?). With all these toppings, you can share your shake with a non-shake loving friend (or not …)

Find food related events happening in New York here!

Gelateria Castelletto

Where’s the ice cream? You won’t be able to see it underneath all the delicious toppings. Even more exciting, this ice cream spot in Vienna is famous for its spaghetti shaped cream, which is cool and weird and delicious. Drench this odd creation in chocolate sauce, pieces of waffle cone and a pile of fresh fruit and you have yourself the best ice cream sundae available for purchase in Austria!

Find dessert related events happening in cities around the world with!

Written by Kent Austin

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