Things To Do In London: For Thrill Seekers

March 1, 2016

By Michael Jacobsen from 


London has lots of history. From the Monarchy to The Beatles. But do you know that London is also a great place to get your adrenaline pumping and feel an ultimate thrill?? It’s true. Some of the places are for the brave only. So if you feel brave enough, read this list.

London Dungeons

There is one man in the history of London that still brings goosebumps to people if his name is mentioned today. That man is Jack The Ripper. This horrible late 1800s killer is now brought back to life , thanks to the London Dungeon staff. Go on a walking tour or even a pub crawl that could lead you face to face with Jack himself. Also you do not want to miss their boat ride through the old underground gallow of London as King Henry sentences you to execution. Actors and props make this a very scary adventure. There also many other rides around the area. Check it out, if you dare.

Thorpe Park

This theme park has some of the most extreme rides in all of England. Close to Heathrow, this theme park is one that will for sure have you screaming. Try the Saw ride or even Stealth. This theme park is lots of fun and will be giving you thrills all day long.

The Maze at Hampton Court

This maze was planted in the late 1600s and is on the Royal grounds of Hampton Court. Surrounded by beautiful gardens, this maze is tricky and for sure will bring out the adventurer in you. Have fun in this historical place but also try to find the way out.

For more adventure and fun, check out  

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