We’ve Found The Most Romantic Places In Toronto

February 2, 2016

Multicultural, cosmopolitan, romantic and very Canadian. That’s Toronto! A city that brings together the world within reach, and a city where you can find all the emotions. And there is nothing better than experiencing all the feelings with your beloved one!

High Park

Each year, High Park attracts many couples to admire the beautiful cherry trees bloom. Between late April and early May are the best times to see these Japanese cherry trees in full bloom! High Park also offers many trails and gardens which you can visit by walking or cycling. And after that, what about a delicious picnic?

Distillery District

It is the area of the old whiskey distilleries that closed decades ago but were renovated in the last decade and today have become a trendy area of the city with numerous cafes and trendy restaurants. It’s a good place to enjoy with your partner for a good lunch or dinner or simply stroll through the streets to enjoy the amazing architecture.

Casa Loma

In a city with such modern architecture as Toronto, is there room for a castle? Yes, and it is another of the romantic places in this city. This house located in the north of the city is open to the public to show how life was like in past times and it has beautiful gardens which you can appreciate with your beloved one.

Toronto Islands

Although Toronto is located far from the sea, the shore of Lake Ontario marks its geography. In it, facing the center of the city, we find a series of islands with character and peaceful parks offering great views to see in Toronto and the possibility to enjoy a natural setting.

For more awesome date events with your partner, head to chillwall

Written by Lina Melo from chillwall

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