The Science Behind Travel and Happiness

March 28, 2018
chillwall, beautiful places no one visits

Travel and happiness go hand-in-hand and will lead to an experience that will undoubtedly open your world to endless possibilities. The importance of is not only eye-opening but also instills a sense of wonder and amazement like no other. A new fad, especially among young people, is spending more money on experiences than material things like cars, jewelry, phones, and clothes. Why is this? It’s become known that experiences actually contribute to happiness more than material things can, and what better way to have awesome experiences than to travel? Keep reading to find out 6 reasons why traveling will make you a happier person!

The Science Behind Traveling and Happiness

Exploring the Mountains The Science Behind Traveling and Happiness

Travel will Make you Feel Accomplished

You might feel accomplished when you save up enough money for a phone, but this feeling is short-lived because after the initial boost in happiness you realize the relative unimportance of material things. Travel can also make you feel accomplished because it has to be worked towards. The experience of travel is not only enjoyable, it makes you a more cultured, interesting and well-rounded person which are qualities that stick with you long after your travels end – which is why travel and happiness are so important. Click here to find cool places to see and Events in Vancouver!

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Stronger

People often forget how much they love their siblings, parents, friends, and pets when they see them regularly. Traveling for a long time can make you realize how much you take these people for granted, and people often find themselves more emotionally attached to them once they are reunited. This can also be helpful in a longterm relationship – you will learn to appreciate your significant other deeply and this is another reason why travel and happiness go hand in hand.

Traveling to Certain Countries Can Make You Appreciate Your Own

People often travel to countries where the living conditions are poorer than in their home country. This often encourages a feeling of appreciation for your own living situation because it can make you realize how lucky you are and how much you may have taken this for granted. This is a very key factor to maintaining your happiness while traveling because you will learn more about other cultures.

Related Article: 5 Places To Travel With Your BFF 2018

Related Article: 5 Places To Travel With Your BFF 2018

Travel Makes You Smarter

Living day to day in your own country is easy. However, it can be difficult to navigate day to day life in a different country where the culture is much different than your own. To navigate this new culture, travelers must rely on their common sense and intelligence to be able to compensate for the fact that they have no idea how to board a subway or call a waiter at a restaurant. Doing this can make you more self-reliant, which is a skill that will stick with you for the rest of your life. This is a great way to learn more about yourself and think deeply about things you may not have ever got a chance to think about before. Which is why it is an important factor that learns travel and happiness to coincide. Click here to check out amazing things to do and Events in Calgary!

Being Isolated From Your Ordinary Life Helps You Think Clearly

It’s a psychological fact that being alone and detached from your regular social contacts increases your concentration and helps you make more rational decisions. This is difficult to do because social media keeps us connected to others 24/7. Need to clear your head and make an important life decision? Take a trip! You will find the best answer for yourself that way. This is another reason why travel and happiness are two in the same – because once you are disconnected from reality you can appreciate other smaller, more important things in life like spending your evening watching the sunset with your best friends and talking about life!

Completing Your Bucket List

It’s a common fact that we don’t realize the things we wanted to do until later in our lives. Travel when you are young so that when you are older you will not live with regret and the fact that you might not be able to travel because of work, health or family. Really think about where you want to go and make it happen! This is so important and another factor why travel and happiness coincide – living in the moment and just booking the places you want to go to while you can make you live a very healthy and well-lived life.

Check out more events near me this weekend.

By: Daniela De Marco

Daniela writes for Chillwall on fun events, fashion, lifestyle near me and around the world.


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