4 Surefire ways to Beat Heartbreak

June 1, 2016

Written by Sarita Dhaka from chillwall.com


Heartbreak, we have all been through it. We often find ourselves with our favourite flavour of ice cream or shoving chocolates down our throat, but you need not follow the tradition of crying over them anymore. Here are some tips that might prove useful.

Talk to Family

Your family are the people who have been there with you. Trust them and don’t hesitate to turn to them and ask for help because at the end of the day they just might do anything to see you happy again J

Get your Mind off Him

We agree, it’s not easy to stop thinking about them. All you can do is try, so keep pushing thoughts of them away and do whatever it takes to get back to your happiest state.

Consult a Professional

Consider seeing a counselor or a psychologist for some tips. If not that, visit that friend of yours who just might have some suggestions for you. We bet that good friends will never disappoint you.

Go out and have Fun!

You really need to spare some time for yourself to heal. Find your happiness by going out, doing adventures activities, eating all of the things you have been refraining from and start again. Remember, there are plenty of fish in the sea dying for your attention!

Find fun things to do, with your friends or with a date, at chillwall.com

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