The World’s Best Eco-Friendly Big Buildings!

March 14, 2016

Written by Nicholas Searle from


Ok, so what are the most “green” buildings ever made in the world? Here are some amazing properties from three of the greatest cities on the planet — London, New York and Shanghai!

London, United Kingdom — Building name: The Crystal

Built in 2012, in London’s east end, “The Crystal” is one of the World’s most sustainable buildings. Its roof collects rainwater, it generates its own electricity by photovoltaic solar panels and its inner lighting is a combination of LED and fluorescents. Even the sewage is treated, recycled and managed onsite! The building is open for tours and has the largest exhibit in the world dedicated to understanding what future cities might look like. There is an excellent café where the food is of outstanding quality and made with the principles of responsibility, sustainability, health and well being! The milk is organic, the eggs are “free range” and they focus on local seasonal ingredients. Definitely worth a visit if you are travelling to London!

Shanghai, China — Building name: Shanghai Tower

This the 2nd tallest building in the world and the tallest building in China! They finished construction in the summer of 2015 and this building features its own wind turbines located near the top of the structure capable of generating up to 350,000 kWh of electricity per year. The double-layered insulating glass was designed to reduce the need for indoor air conditioning. Also, the building’s heating and cooling systems use geothermal energy which comes from under the ground. Its a great place to visit with over 121 storeys, divided into nine vertical zones that include shops at the base, offices in the centre, and hotels, and cultural facilities and observation decks at the top. The views are amazing and the sights of Shanghai at night can be breath taking. Put this on your travel list for sure!

Manhattan, USA — Building name: Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park

Located walking distance from Times Square, the Bank of America Tower is an excellent example of cutting-edge green building technology. The tower cost about a billion dollars to build and was finished in 2009. Its not just how its built that’s cool, its also the “way” it was built that makes it a green choice. About 91% of all construction and demolition waste was recycled or otherwise diverted from landfill. At the time of completion, it was the leader in sustainable technologies, becoming the first commercial high-rise to earn LEED Platinum certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. This building set the highest trends with its own clean-burning, on-site co-generation Power plant that produces 5.1 megawatts of electricity which covers the majority of the needs for the building itself. It also has on-site water recycling systems; and a thermal storage system that produces ice at night to provide cooling throughout the building. And forget about breathing any pollution inside the building from the cars and taxis of Manhattan — the building air filtration system removes 95 percent of particulates and most outside air is taken in at 800 feet — well above street level and the millions of people below. This building definitely makes it on the list of the world’s best eco-friendly buildings!

Check out — there is so much to discover even in your own city or neighbourhood!

About Nicholas Searle from Chillwall

Nic has been passionate about the environment for many years, volunteered with several environmental organizations and currently organizes a series of solar energy workshops in Toronto. He holds a Master of Science degree from McGill University. Nic is also an entrepreneur in the world of real estate and scientific publishing. To find out more about Nic please visit and

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