Most Interesting Locations in Leeds

January 12, 2016

Visiting Leeds in England for the first time? Got some friends there that you want to meet up with? If you’re looking for some unique places to visit in order to conquer routine, then read on!

1. Kirkstall Abbey

Everyone wants to live in a castle and be a prince/princess right? I think most of us do want to live in a fairytale. Kirkstall Abbey is your go-to place for medieval things! Explore the castle and admire the beautiful greenery that’s laid out upon the acres. I’d imagine a castle would be a pretty awesome place to visit! Role-play with your friends for an interesting experience (why not?). More amazing things are available on! Why don’t you try it out now?

2. Hope Pastures

Feeling like going on more of an adventure? Hope Pastures can give you access to many horses and donkeys. Learn all about their anatomy, or anything else that you’d like to know about them. The pasture is a charity, and is intended for the healing of abused animals, therefore admission is always free. Try something different, and head to Hope Pastures with a few of your friends, or many that is!

3. Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Going through 500 acres of parkland to admire art may seem a bit wild, but I bet you’ll fully enjoy it! Since Leeds is best known for its public art, you’d want to check out every nook and cranny that you possibly could. Enjoy the art with a handful of great company. You won’t regret it!

Final Note: Leeds is certainly very well-decorated, as there are public displays in various locations of the city, such as the Black Prince in the City Square, and the Mandela Gardens in the Millennium Square. Many events are also held in these squares! For an easy way to check out events in the city, visit and stumble upon something amazing for you and your friends!

Written by Shirley Li from

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